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Here at Romance Jewellers our professionally trained staff can change most watch batteries in a few moments while you enjoy a complimentary coffee or tea. For higher-end watches such as chronograph, diving, and premium brands they need the expertise of our certified master watchmaker, which normally takes within 3 business days. We also service exclusive watch brands including Rolex, Cartier, Tissot, Concord, Gucci, Baume Mercier, and Omega. When servicing premium watches they are sent to a professional Swiss watchmaker. An estimate will be provided before beginning any repairs.  When sending your watch away please allow 3-6weeks’ time depending on the availability of necessary or back-ordered parts.

watch repair
Typically, a watch battery will last approximately 2 years. However, as watches age, they may drain the battery more quickly.
We recommend only those qualified should change watch batteries. Chronographs and high-end brands should always be done by a senior watchmaker.
If your watch has been damaged by water, bring it in and we will dry it out in order to prevent rust from forming. Your watch is not waterproof unless it is a specialty diver watch that is periodically serviced and tested. A properly sealed watch simply means the watch is water resistant. Moisture can enter the watch through openings, around the glass face, through the stem, or through the back of the case. Gaskets deteriorate and wear out, to maintain water resistance those seals need to be replaced. It is best to be safe and keep all watches away from moisture.